Sunday, August 02, 2009

He's bad, uh huh.

Varoom! When they found out he still used training wheels on his bicycle, they took him off the dirt bike and put him on a little ATV. It was automatic. It was motorized. Motorized? No biggie, it had a governor on it. It's a good thing too because he rode the thing flat out the whole way.

That was the first year. This year, he was bound and determined to lose the training wheels and could have graduated to a real dirt bike. He opted for the ATV again because he decided he didn't have the patience to wait for a lesson. They gave him one without a governor.

He rode this one flat out too. Va-room!
My favorite part is all the safety gear.

Wan-n-na swim-m-m.

"Aiden, your lips are blue. It's time you got out."
"... but I don't want to get out."
"I know hon, but you're cold and you really need to get out."
"I'm n-n-not c-c-cold-d-d."