Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Halloween! His nibs dressed as Suuuperman! He said he was going to be super cute. He was. Never mind tripping over his cloak and telling everyone on the block his real name was "Todd". Hey I have no idea where he got that from ok? Anyway, by the end of the second block he was running out of the endless energy Superman, and Aiden, are both famous for.

"Just one more house Mum" oh, ok.

Eight houses later, he was singing the same song as he staggered along fuelled only by the prospect of more candy. Well, we were actually getting closer to home as we were coming back down the block towards our house. One of the adults ended up giving him a piggy back the rest of the way home. By the time the other kids came in with me, he was sound asleep.
Slept in you say? Are you kidding? Remember the time change? He was up at 5:30 am. By tonight I'll be using toothpicks to keep my eyes open.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I'll never sleep again... ever!

Well that's what he had in mind I'm sure. We all run out of steam eventually.

I bet he figured he was just closing his eyes for a few seconds ... but he was sound asleep when we turned on the lights to take the picture.

He never noticed the light, or us, and slept till morning. Thank goodness.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Colourful Character

It's 10:00 pm. Do you know where your children are?

Well you should always know where your children are, for their safety, your safety and the safety of your stuff.

One particular evening though, we only thought we knew. We were all convinced in fact that young Aiden was fast asleep in bed. He sure looked asleep when we checked an hour before. Well....

At 10:01 he strolled into the living room where we were all sitting watching TV with one of those beautiful smiles on his face. He didn't look like a child that just stumbled out of bed for no particular reason. Nope. This was definitely the "I'm so happy to see you." smile that usually follows the "I just did something pretty special, don't you agree?" smile.

A cursory inspection of him revealed marker stains on his hands, face and pyjamas. Once more we dove headlong into the tasks; to locate the problem and begin the cleanup.

The problem turned out to be a box of washable (thank goodness) markers that had been colouring some scrap cardboard and soaked right through the boxboard to kid#3's light blue comforter below. The markers had all been recapped and neatly put back into their packaging. Now if it had all remained on a single piece of paper it would have been framable art. The bright colours blended beautifully together into a truly lovely piece of art that even Monet would have appreciated. Too bad it was in such an inconvenient place... namely the comforter.

In case you find yourself in the same position sometime, don't place the comforter on the carpet to try to scrub away the marker. Trust me, it isn't the smartest idea I've ever had. Thankfully it came off the carpet and the comforter without leaving a trace. (Thank you to whoever invented washable markers.) Only Aiden still had marker stains on him the next day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rain rain go away.

So there we were It was a grey, overcast day and rain seemed imminent. Everybody was happily doing something in different parts of the house. People were taking turns having baths as we ususually did in the morning. I was downstairs working on the computer hoping to get my assignments done in time to play with the kids once they had all got through their morning routine.

Hubby heard the bathtub running again and was happy that the eldest was finally in the tub. Aiden was in the kitchen helping his dad with breakfast dishes. After a while I could hear the rain pouring heavily outside. We could really use some rain after this dry spell we've been having.

The eldest, who was in fact downstairs, suddenly let out a yell from the laundry room. When that happens it's usually important and we all rushed to look. I didn't even get to the doorway when someone said something about the bathroom. We looked around to see the entire family gathered at the basement door. Who was in the bathroom?

Actually, not a soul was in the bathroom in spite of the locked door. As he scrambled to find something to unlock it I realized that the rain I had been hearing was in fact water pouring through the bathroom floor into the basement. After just a few seconds, we got the bathroom door open and the pent-up inch of water on the floor washed out onto the freshly laid carpet in the corridor. The taps were turned on full in the bathtub and evidently the overflow wasn't working as the water was flowing freely over the side of the tub onto the floor and down the heating vent.

Hubby quickly went off by himself to try to cool off his rising temper while I started barking out orders. It's a wonderful thing to see the kids who are so often at odds with each other work together so well. Aiden must have realized this particular stunt hadn't gone over well as he stood by the door still as a statue. When you get to know him you'll realize that "still as a statue" is not something he does often.

While kids #2 and #3 were helping me mop up the bathroom, kids #1 and #4 helped mop up the basement. I heard later that the eldest was using an umbrella to keep from getting wet as they mopped. It must have taken a full half hour to clean up the flood with everyone, except Aiden of course, working feverishly. He stood by and watched all the activity while trying not to get knocked over.

When it was all over, we had at least 20 bath towels washed and hanging on the line and a large piece of carpet from the basement draped over the patio furniture to dry. We were very glad to note that the 20 lb bag of flour, usually stored on the floor near the freezer, had escaped the flood as well as just about all other things that seem to be allergic to water. (you know, like appliances, etc.)

Aiden was promptly taken over to the sitter that day so that nothing else would happen before this latest event got cleaned up. It could have been a whole lot worse, like the time he poured juice down the vent on the other side of the house and down into my monitor in the basement... but that's another story.

In the meantime, we are enjoying his sweet smiles and warm hugs. At the moment he is sitting beside me on the floor quietly tucking his baby doll into bed. He can even carry a tune.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Recycling helper?

So there we were, Aiden was happily playing with his older brothers' Lego city. They must have used every single piece in the two boxes to make it. It was a beautiful sight. Several of the older children were in the next room watching TV. I wandered off downstairs for a minute. If he got bored he would go bug the other kids or I would hear him if he went out the back door.

It wasn't long before one of the other kids brought him to me. They were saying"You are in a whole lot of trouble Aiden! Mom, Aiden was out front, standing this far from the recycling bin watching them pick up the garbage."

Remembering yesterday's antics, I'm very glad he wasn't under the truck. How could he have gotten past 4 other children unnoticed? He would have walked directly in front of them on his way out.

He was still smiling.

Road runner

So there we were, shuttling back and forth from the car to the backyard unloading buckets of woodchips we had been given by a friend. Aiden was helping, of course. The gate to the backyard was propped open with a stick rammed in the ground to hold it open.

Someone began talking to me on one of the trips into the backyard. Mister Aiden wasted no time. Quick as a flash, he had yanked the stick out of the ground, shut the 5 foot high gate and jammed it shut in the same way from the outside. He was on his way down the path toward the driveway when I called him back to open the gate. (It's been quite a while since I even considered scaling a 5 foot tall gate or fence). He paused in his sprint towards the road long enough to smile at me trapped in the backyard and took off around the corner of the neighbour's house. Was he going out to the road? I could hear a few cars on the street out there. Would I get to him in time?

I blasted through the house strpping off hat and shoes as I went calling to anyone ahead of me to get out of the way. By the time I had negotiated the maze created in a house occupied by a family with children, he had made it over to the neighbour's front door and was attempting to hide between the screen door and the front door.

Thank goodness he still hasn't mastered the technique of hiding effectively. I bet my face was pretty rosy from stress and the sudden obstacle course through the house. He was still smiling sweetly.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Introducing Aiden

Have you heard of "The little girl with the little curl"? No? It's an old nursery rhyme which goes like this

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead

When she was good
She was very very good
And when she was bad she was horrid

Well our son Aiden is the little boy with the little curl and yes he really has a curl there. It's the cutest thing to see... really.

He has the sweetest smile and the sunniest disposition, most of the time. He has hugs for everybody in the family, when he isn't ticked off with them.