Halloween! His nibs dressed as Suuuperman! He said he was going to be super cute. He was. Never mind tripping over his cloak and telling everyone on the block his real name was "Todd". Hey I have no idea where he got that from ok? Anyway, by the end of the second block he was running out of the endless energy Superman, and Aiden, are both famous for.
"Just one more house Mum" oh, ok.
Eight houses later, he was singing the same song as he staggered along fuelled only by the prospect of more candy. Well, we were actually getting closer to home as we were coming back down the block towards our house. One of the adults ended up giving him a piggy back the rest of the way home. By the time the other kids came in with me, he was sound asleep.
Slept in you say? Are you kidding? Remember the time change? He was up at 5:30 am. By tonight I'll be using toothpicks to keep my eyes open.